To get the most out of your Telehealth session use a new and restarted computer on WiFi with earphones and water (to drink), tissues, homework, pen + paper adequate lighting.
Anxiety is a response tounknown/unexplored emotions and is not a feeling in itself. Feeling anxiety is your body’s cue to check out the emotions to resolve the anxiety experience.
There are great reasons to stop counseling. After all, you aren't expecting to spend five years getting help. After you get help, celebrating progress and saying “goodbye” to your counselor can have lasting effects!
It's ok to fight; most problems will be on repeat until dreams and experiences are mutually validated and fostered within the relationship. Productive conflict is not about the problem as much as it is about the other person you are fighting with.
The Gottman's research shows that couples who wish to have a positive and satisfying relationship need to spend six hours per week investing in the relationship in strategic ways.