Grayson Wallen Professional Counseling

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5 Tips For Staying Sane At Home

This may be the longest many of us have been at home. Here are 5 affirmations of tasks you can do to keep your sanity. You are likely doing these things, but affirmation in the right direction and help you prioritize the right tasks to make your Shelter-In-Place less like a lockdown and more like an adjustment. 

  1. Take a walk daily. Getting fresh air and seeing the beauty of what is around you is nourishing to your soul. I think that nature is responding to the collective impact of fewer cars on the roads, fewer people being out and about. Try looking into different walks in your area. For reference, adults need 30 minutes of intense cardiovascular exercise per day. Kids need 60 minutes daily. Adults who feel like kids need at least 60 minutes* of play per day.

  2. Exercise. Now is the time where we all wish we had a gym membership. Use this desire to start moving your body. Many sites are offering Home Gym/Body Weight workouts at nominal fees for their guidance on what to do to workout from home. There are also online/on-demand yoga classes that can be grounding amid all the traumas experienced daily.

  3. Rest. Make sure that you are not oversleeping or undersleeping. It is easy to lay in bed, or lounge for the day, but too much of a good thing is not good. For reference, it is widely accepted that adults need 8 hours of sleep per night, kids need upwards of 12 hours of sleep per night. And… naps do not justify lesser nightly amounts of sleep.

  4. Wear clean clothes every day. Even if you “just sat on the couch all day”, take a bath and put on new clothes. This will make you feel more valuable as a person because you are taking care of yourself for yourself… not your boss… not your significant other… not anyone. By practicing good hygiene, you are worth it for you.

  5. Eat more raw foods. I am not talking about uncooked foods. I am talking about whole/unprocessed foods. You don’t need to go to Whole Foods to get whole foods, but focusing less on Cheetos and Snickers because they provide a sugar escape from the trauma of COVID-19, give your body the fuel it needs to work, rest, play to it’s fullest potential.

*This is a joke, not a professional medical suggestion. If you have questions about your exercise needs, please consult with your Primary Care Physician to determine what is best for you. If you are an adult who feels like a kid, then embrace it. The extra time exercising can help facilitate a connection with your inner child.


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