Seeing Challenges As Opportunities
Seeing the glass half full comes easy for some, while for others it takes some practice.
Seeing things as overly positive is equally as wrong as seeing them as overly negative. So, the goal is not to see challenges as inherently good or inherently bad because they aren’t binary (good/bad). Challenges are objectively opportunities.
For me, the word opportunity has a sense of invitation, welcome, and dare to it; when I think of an opportunity I think of it as a defining moment… but we don't usually (or easily) see challenges as defining moments. More often than not, challenges are roadblocks or beatdowns personally, relationally, and/or professionally.
Keeping this in mind, opportunities yield positive changes if we take advantage of the moment of opportunity. Imagine if we took this mentality to our conflicts with people, God, relationships, our Spouse, etc… So much could change for the better, but we find ourselves in a place of roadblocks and beatdowns.
Challenges are opportunities if we let them be. I have noticed that in my personal life, changing the word to opportunity when I am faced with a challenge helps me greatly. I hope you have a similar experience!
Too Long/Didn’t Read: Challenges can be opportunities if you let them.
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